Friday, December 21, 2018


Break Free from Porn

Written by Dr. David Kyle Foster

Breaking free from porn requires the effective use of spiritual tools. Many people have struggled to break free from porn in their own strength only to realize that there is a spiritual bondage that keeps them from breaking free by natural efforts. Fortunately, there are biblical tools (-i.e., spiritual weapons) available to the believer, which will open doors to freedom and life, in place of the pain and bondage of porn addiction.

Porn is a strategy of the enemy to create sexual bondage and self-defeating compulsive behavior through a temptation to commit idolatry. Even though many who begin to view pornography do so accidentally, the stimulation caused by the pictures gets twisted by spirits of lust and perversion, (and the darkness of their own heart), which then traps the individual in a prison of compulsive behavior, especially if they have a painful circumstance that sensual pleasure can temporarily relieve. The greater the pain, the more likely they are to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit in order to find relief, and the harder it will be for them to get free from porn.

Many Christians have become trapped in this web and desire to be free from porn but lack the spiritual tools needed to break free and stay free. Porn creates a bondage that is steeped in a mixture of oppression, stimulation, embarrassment, self-hatred and feelings of condemnation. It captures the eye gates and opens ground for perversion and lust to manipulate and destroy marriages and even reputations. Fortunately, the spiritual tools/weapons that will help someone become free from porn are not carnal (natural) but are instead mighty through God for pulling down the stronghold of porn. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4)

The spiritual tools that will enable a person to get free from porn begin with defensive guards actively placed at the gates to our body, soul and spirit. As Christians, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and our temples must be guarded from invasion by the enemy through a deep love for God that produces vigilance against anything that would harm that relationship.

There are four gates to our body: the eye gate, touch gate, ear gate, and taste gate. Porn initially uses the eye and ear gates to create a chemical response in the body that generates a drive to physically taste and touch (-i.e., partake in sexual activity). That desire then empowers the enemy to take even more ground, whereby he causes blindness to sin and creates a compulsivity that is detached from reason and morality - a stronghold of perversion. That stronghold of perversion goes on to produce a devastation of careers, relationships, families, marriages, and high school or college grades.
It is impossible at this stage to get free from porn without repentance and the admission that you need help. Happily, forgiveness is available from God through Jesus for the one who truly is sorry for hurting the Lord they love, and willing to forsake their idolatrous behavior. God’s forgiveness will bring a washing and a cleansing.

Due to the complexity of many porn addictions, and God’s desire to involve the members of His Body on this earth as extensions of His love, grace and power, the help of spiritual counselors and ministers who are knowledgeable in breaking free from porn may also be needed. Reach out and get the help that you need through the spiritual wisdom and anointing of others who offer expertise in freedom from porn. Break free from porn and live a life of joy and peace!

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