Thursday, January 23, 2014

Restoring Sexuality: Healing Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse and Porn Addiction

Restoring Sexuality - Part 1: Healing Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse and Porn Addiction

Restoring Sexuality - Part 2: Healing Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse and Porn Addiction

Restoring Sexuality - Part 3: Healing Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse and Porn Addiction

Freedom and healing is possible for those who seek deliverance from past molestations and present sexual abuse, Sexual Addiction, Pornography Addiction, Sexual Deviancy, and Frigidity. There are now a vast growing number of people who are unhappy with the homosexual style of life. They feel as though they were cheated by their fatherless past with a father who became deceased-absent or was emotionally detached from their life as they were growing up. They feel as though they missed out on a normal life and feeling for the opposite sex because feel it was stolen from them by the adult or teen who molested them as a child, by sex ed public school teacher who encouraged them to watch pornography and experiment with the same sex, by the person who over-powered them sexually taking away their innocence, by methodically getting hooked into porn addiction through chatroom spammers, watching the explicit gender-confused videos posted online, by the sexual deviates who exposed themselves online and in bathrooms, and by those who found themselves in prison and were sexually violated by those of the same sex. These people have every right to be angry for what abuses our moral relativist culture has tolerated for the sake of pushing a national destructive agenda to redefine marriage. According the homosexual activists own manifesto it was always their aim and goal to groom children into the death-style of Homosexuality by pushing their Alfred Kinsey pedophile propaganda peddled into America's public schools. Now it seems depression and anxiety has afflicted so many people caught up in the trap of homosexuality and sex addiction after being lied to by gay propaganda funded by wealthy socialist progressive homosexual millionaires, billionaires, media networks and then marketed by a large network of celebrities and entertainers. It's unfortunate that the Democrat Party has aligned themselves with these factions for money and power while voices those wounded and emotional scared by the culture of sexual deviancy are silenced, censored, ridiculed and are never heard in the public square. Well that is about to change!

"It seems to me that there are way too many politicians and celebrities trying to get our young people to taste the rainbow only to have them come back with an STD." Homosexuals Contract HPV Cancers From Oral Sex in Record Numbers - Why Abstinance Until Marriage is God's Best.

For those who continue to defend the agenda, they must realize that the biggest contributing factor to the homosexual psychological disorder is child molestation, sexual victimization and through the pornography they peddle to minors and adults which artificially create the sickening gender-confusion. It's the only way the homosexual can reproduce themselves --- they sexually abuse minors and teens and warp their minds with pornography. It's time for the entire world to wake up and let the truth set you free from the propaganda designed to destroy the family unit and subvert your nation. We don't have to accept it anymore nor be silenced. These are the days where this entire nation will reap what it has sown and its going to turn out to be real ugly for all those who wasted the majority of their youth on lust and sexual perversions of every kind. They will inherit the wind.

Homosexual activists like Dan Savage promote and push the very same lewd acts and images that Homosexuals did in the 1950's onto minors in our public schools, then hide behind the US constitution right along with all the pedophiles hiding out within the ACLU. These monsters have used our talk shows and the entertainment industry to warp and confuse the minds our sons and daughters with their lewd images and videos, especially among those THEY KNOW are growing up without fathers in the home (whose responsibility is to provide a masculine identity for their sons). Homosexuals reproduce themselves by way of molesting or abusing those of the same sex.

It's time for a youth revolt against government creating a national religious cult out homosexuality, trying to force all Americans to celebrate that which they deem profane, coercing tax payers fund their religious propaganda designed to groom little boys and girls into gender-confusion and into the increased likelihood being the victims of sexual abuse, while persecuting all those who publicly refuse to bow down the national pagan male infertility god of homosexuality in which sexual deviates in liberal media have erected. Today, President Obama has literally positioned himself as America's modern high priest of the pagan Ashtoreth Pole and the filthy phallic symbol. America deserves better!

The American people as a whole must confront and push back against this without fear. If we don't, the epidemic of the break down of our society as healthy homes go into extinction and America goes the way of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire, was weakened and eventually destroyed by mass diseases and their own idleness as fewer and fewer people replaced their aging population making them more susceptible for attacks from the outside; because the United States (like the Roman Empire) aborted so many generations of our future and rampant homosexuality weakens the masculinity of the nation while destroying America's husband-wife family unit. It's a shame that so many Americans are not even aware that the Homosexual agenda had been originally funded by the progressives and communists inside and outside America. Its great to know that more and more Americans are becoming informed to push back against the methodical social-engineering tactics used to artificially create public peer pressure by way of public bullying in the media. No wonder ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, and others are losing their TV viewers in record numbers.

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